Today, CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is blowing out 60 candles at an event attended by official delegations from 35 countries. Founded in 1954, CERN is today the largest particle physics laboratory in the world and a prime example of international collaboration, bringing together scientists of almost 100 nationalities.

To mark the occasion, music-minded physicists have transformed scientific data from the four underground detectors around CERN’s Large Hadron Collider into a piece titled LHChamber Music composed by physicist-musician Domenico Vicinanza.

The video, presented during the official ceremony, can be viewed by clicking the arrow above.

The left image shows LHCb physicist Paula Collins, in front of the detector, playing music inspired by the data from the first observation of a heavy flavored spin-3 particle (15 July 2014 news).

The LHCb Collaboration has already presented another way of experimental data “sonification” in the 26 August 2013 news “Matter-antimatter quantum music”.