The LHC collider and the LHCb detector continue to work very well. LHCb has collected already 1 fb-1 (integrated luminosity) of data this year, three times more than in 2015. Given that 7 more weeks of proton-proton collisions remain in this year’s schedule, it can be hoped that the final data set will be significantly larger. Taking into account that the beauty-particle production rate at the higher collision energy of run 2 is more than twice that of run 1 (see item (1) of ICHEP 2016 news), the total number of beauty-particle decays collected during run 2 is likely to be already higher than the total of run 1 by the end of this year. To reach this achievement LHCb has profited from the improvements to the data acquisition. In addition, the data accumulated in 2016 benefits from the revolutionary design of the new LHCb trigger.

The proton-proton collision period will end at November 1st and then will be followed by a LHC machine maintenance period (technical stop) and three weeks of proton collisions with lead ions. The image shows the integrated luminosity progress during the different years of data taking. Follow the progress of data taking by clicking at the links to live information at the top of this page, “LHC and LHCb Status Displays”, “LHCb Event Display”; the frequently updated image reports the LHCb delivered and recorded luminosity.