The LHCb Collaboration has submitted its 100th publication! It is signed by 621 authors from 63 different universities and laboratories from 17 countries. The paper “Search for direct CP violation in D0→hh+ modes using semileptonic B decays” has been presented at the Rencontres de Moriond QCD, La Thuile, Italy, and is described in the 12 March 2013 news as the second independent analysis. You can celebrate this important moment in the life of our Collaboration with the help of a poster available in the LHCb secretariat or printing it directly from a file. The poster shows an event, described in the 12 March 2013 news, and used in the analysis.

The LHCb papers have made very important contributions to particle physics as described in other items on this page. However, even more important contributions are expected in the near future. In fact, most results presented in LHCb papers to date used the full 1.0 fb-1 data sample collected in 2011. The total dataset available for future analysis has more than tripled thanks to the excellent 2012 data taking period. The only published paper using the 2012 data is the analysis presented in the “First evidence for the B0s →μμ decay” paper, see 12 November 2012 news, in which already half of 2012 data sample was used.

The highlights of recent LHCb results showing the presentations at different conferences, conference contributions and papers can be found here.